Kyrgyzstan Tours

Travellers who travel to Kyrgyzstan are not required to be immunized but they should carry the most recent Typhoid and Tetanus vaccines. It is advised to consult your local GP for advice on most effective immunisations and preventative therapies.

Drinks and food

The food served in Kyrgyzstan is generally based around meat and rice however the selection of vegetables and salads that are available are diverse. It is possible to try local cuisines as you travel, often overlapping with other cuisines.

Regarding alcohol, your options are usually limited to vodka and beer. Anyone looking for something different – Scotch , or Gin for example – should buy it duty free and then bring it to the bar. Mixers like tonic water are hard to come by in Central Asia.

Cultural Sensitivity

You are likely to meet localswho have their own distinctive customs and traditions. We therefore ask you to be kind and show them respect. You can always count on your tour guide or tour leader to assist you.

Central Asia has a laid low-key approach to Islam. It is the very first thing you must be aware of when traveling to Central Asia, especially in towns and cities. In areas such as Bishkek you’ll be shocked by the length of some women’s skirts! This is an Muslim area so it is important to be cautious in certain places. Both genders can wear T-shirts and shorts. But, when going to mosques women should cover their shoulders with pants or skirts. Men should stay away from wearing shorts.

With around 15% of the population embracing Islam, more than 80% of the population is Islamic.

Russian Orthodoxy

Language and Religion

Kyrgyzstan is among the two former Soviet Republics located in Central Asia to retain Russian as their official language. In the 90’s Kyrgyzstan was declared to be a bilingual country adding Kyrgyz as another official language. You will also find Uzbeks of ethnic origin and Tajiks in certain areas of Kyrgyzstan because of the previous Soviet policies.

For additional information about Kyrgyzstan Tours you can check this useful website.

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