7 ways to increase soil fertility

Every single gardener and novel reader is faced with the problem involving low yields sooner or later. This happens despite the use of the same quality seed and seedlings, inspite of the excellent care and advantageous weather. The fault of very poor productivity in this case may be the impoverishment of the soil, that is experiencing a deficiency involving useful minerals along with salts. In order, because before, to enjoy the final results of your labor and also to make a profit from the website, it is necessary to increase the fertility of the dirt.

This can be done only through knowing its make up. Otherwise, there is a dangerous of harming a lot more by oversaturation of the dirt with elements that are certainly not in short supply. To avoid blunders, you need to order soil analysis from an impartial chemical laboratory. Now let’s return to the question of what methods can be used to effectively increase garden soil fertility.

Organization involving crop rotation

Correct crop rotation is important to improve yields. If you constantly plant twelve-monthly crops in the same place, the soil is depleted, the chemical characteristics modify, and fertility diminishes. For example, planting cabbage in one place leads to too much soil oxidation. In accordance with the rules of harvest rotation, annual plants should be planted in the last place with an period of 4-5 years.


You’ll be able to increase soil fertility by sowing medicinal plants. This method is named “phytomelioration” and is very popular along with experienced farmers.

These have a good effect in this regard – – –
– culture:
– marigolds;
– legumes;
– radish;
– rapeseed;
– garlic;
– mustard;
– shepherd’s bag;
– calendula;
– rape.

Eco-friendly fertilizers displace undesirable weeds due to their rapid advancement. Some of the crops available drive away pests and kill nematodes.

California worms for vermicompost

In the event the analysis of the soil demonstrated that it is depleted, you can increase its male fertility with the help of California earthworms. Californian red red wigglers, called earthworms, are perfect organic fertilizers. California worms are able to absorb any kind of organic matter, while they live quite a while. You can propagate raincoats all on your own plot in a composter, obtaining high-quality fertilizer for free.

Warmth treatment of soil

Using this method is relevant mainly for greenhouses and garden greenhouses. The disadvantage of sizzling is the inability to course of action a large area, but for a small area it is extremely effective. In the process of temperature treatment, pests along with weed root methods are destroyed. An alternative choice to time-consuming steaming is stubble using up, which can also be performed on large career fields.

Use of organic plant foods

You can increase the fertility of the soil inside the old old-fashioned way by mixing ash, rich compost, manure and other natural and organic fertilizers into it. Using this method does not require material expenses, but effectively reinstates depleted soil.

Put together fit

The essence of this method is in the proximity in the main culture together with companion plants. Beneficial “companions” are spicy herbs, among which dill, parsley, mint, coriander, and caraway aren’t less necessary up for grabs. As a result of mixed growing, the incidence with the main crops is reduced, their expansion and fruit style are improved.


If your analysis of the soil can be unsatisfactory, you can enhance its fertility by sowing green plant foods. Siderata are green fertilizers that are grown regarding subsequent incorporation in the soil. Thanks to this process, the growth of undesirable weeds is inhibited, the earth is enriched with nitrogen, protein, starch. Siderata tend to be plowed into the soil ahead of flowering or soon after it.

When making a new plot, the particular farmer does not be aware of characteristics of the dirt. In order not to make errors and not be left without having a crop, take dirt samples and mail them to an independent lab, where experienced specialists will conduct a thorough agrochemical analysis.

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